One of the bes computer programming technology conference I've been with lot of international speaker and where you can get a sense of the Scandinavian programmers talent, initiative and innovative spirit.
What I've learned and I will try to apply ?
Before my memories vanish, let's take a note.
Only your mom wants to use your website
Keynote from one of the founders of Reedit
- A success story about the possibilities for an entrepreneur in Internet, limited only by the fantasy
- The users driven product development (1 year release plans are for dinosaurs doomed to extinction)
An architecture remake
- Incremental improvement of an existing code-base
- Multiple domain models and anti-corruption-layers to strategically improve the system
- The big-bang release approach here again made it very risky and difficult
Test-Driven REST
From the author of REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture
- the anatomy of a REST dialogues: verbs, content types, messages and ceremonies
- the book looks interesting to read
- use of cache to trade latency (old cached results from a proxy) with availability and scalability (of the web app)
- events pulling like atom rss feed (broadcasting) instead of event publishing (1 to 1 communication)
- optimistic concurrency also in the REST operations
A less technical talk on technical communication
- if the message don't reach the intended audience/target the conversation is meaningless
- so politely aggressive reply are useless: be practical, respectful and clear or do not reply if you cannot
Architecture Without an End State
- Book 'design rules: the power of modularity' baldwin & clark 2000,looks like it contain 16 ways to separete a system in more modules
The Power of Play
- Ideas, links to take the opportunity to exercise the explore/discovery/learn attitude at work
- Emily Fox as Cupstacking Champion -
- k02Lc
- and search for “Play”
Abstraction Distractions
- established patterns and common abstractions take away the focus on key points
Embracing Uncertainty - the Hardest Pattern of All
How a Dutch rapper ends up in Swedish startup - lessons learned"
- Be always prepared to present your startup idea to an investor not to lose the opportunity: the idea in short, why is interesting/innovative/disruptive, what need it fulfill, what are the source of revenue, what are the costs, ...
Applying the Golden Circle to Agile in the 21st Century
- The why question before the What question
Why common agile practice isn’t agile
- Looking again at value and principle to access which practices has departed form the agile roots
Startup! Opportunities, Threats and Support
- Marianne Larsson Business Advisor and Director of Mobile Heights Business Center (MHBC).
Functional JavaScript
- common functional primitive additions to JavaScript language
Getting the Most Out of Your BDD Tests
Copenaghen Suborbitals
- the yes we can attitude
- how mistrust lead to significant waste
Software development in F1
This is my speech, ideas that I tried to show and hope to make them stick
- Top-down centralized approach does not work in a complex context
- Autonomous interdependent departments generates social complexity
- The ability to react to unexpected events is more effective than trying to forecast the future and prevent mistakes
- Advanced agile practices that emerged in that environment