Here follow some contributions to the evolution and understanding of Agile values and practices from Kent Beck.
Evolution of Agile Values
- Team vision and discipline over individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Validated learning over working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer discovery over customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Initiating change over responding to change over following a plan
You can read more about it in this Forbes article:
Innovation: Applying "Inspect & Adapt" To The Agile Manifesto
And you can watch this presentation:
Startup Lessons Learned
The 5th Agile Value
- Critical thinking and independent judgment over the cult of personality and cult leaders
Evolution of Agile Practices
- Continuous Delivery
- Immunization
- Live A/B Testing
- 2-way live data migration
- Kanban
- Cynefin
- Bootstrap financing
- Defect zero
The evolution pointed by Kent Beck is driven by the increasing frequency of releases in production from annual to hourly .
The practices are discussed in this presentation
Software G-Forces: The Effects of Acceleration, and here are the slides
Software G-Forces.
Involution of Agile Values
On the opposite side stand this ironic manifesto:
Manifesto for Half-Arsed Agile Software Development
And see also the
No method, methodology or framework is immune to abuse, misuse and misunderstandings, indeed.
And there is no 1-size-fit-all methodology but only contextual fitness for purpose.
Other evolutions of Agile Values and Practices?
Are there other publicly documented evolutions of Agile practices, values, theory ?
Point them out in the comments!