“Don't bring me problems,bring me solutions." Really?!?! - Responses

“The thought that disaster is impossible often leads to an unthinkable disaster.”
Gerald M. Weinberg

Here are few examples of what managers can do.
  • For #1, managers can coach or mentor the team member to help her/him figure out possible solutions.
  • For #2, managers can figure out what kind of help team member needs to implement the solution, then show her/him how to do it, then pair with her/him to solve it, then just observe her/him solving it.
  • For #3, managers can support team member using their influence and authority to solve or to escalate the problem.
  • For #4, managers can help team member to make a case for the change of direction, and help her/him test the hypothesis.

Continue reading the conclusions.

Print | posted @ martedì 21 ottobre 2014 02:13

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