luglio 2011 Blog Posts

ABIDE model, an exercise: Diversity/Dissent

An excerpt from Joseph Pelrine training material about Diversity/Dissent:  Diversity can be interpreted in many ways. The more diverse a team is the higher the potential for conflict is. On the other side too much uniformity can lead to a dogmatic and “religious” like system where dissent is not tolerated any more. Another excerpt from Joseph Pelrine training material about Diversity/Dissent as prerequisite to self-organisation:  Group diversity is also essential. Homogeneous groups don't self-organize; they actually get dumber, since they inbreed to enforce the dominant narrative of the social context in which they find themselves. As far as I understand Diversity/Dissent...

ABIDE model, an exercise: Attractors

An excerpt from Joseph Pelrine training material about Attractors: The attractors are the things or people in the system that are attractive to others and that others get attracted to. By changing the structures of what people perceive as attractors in the system, you can change the dynamics of the system itself. An attractor here can be an idea, a group or a single person i.e. because of his/her knowledge, expertise, popularity, charisma, authority, power.  In a system is possible to add or remove and attractor, amplify the attractor (i.e. empowering, removing obstacles, adding...

ABIDE model, an exercise: Barriers

An excerpt from Joseph Pelrine training material about Barriers: They define the edges of the system, who is in and who is out. By changing the barriers of the system, who is included and who is not, you change the dynamics in the system. In a sense, a boundary is the opposite of an attractor – people will shy away from it. “Barriers” is a more appropriate term than “boundaries” A barrier, as I understood, can delineate a behavior, shape the structure and (as attractors) provide coherence of the system. Can be i.e. a policy, someone who deny a permission/support/cooperation, the scarcity...

Theory X management style Vs Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

Modern Social Science discoveries tell that Theory X management style work less then Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Here is the TED video of Dan Pink about the surprising science of motivation. See also Theory X management style in IT ? Mmmmmmh. Tags :  Team Work | Agile | Leadership | Motivazione | Creatività | Traduci al ITALIANO >>>

ABIDE model, an exercise

I'm starting a series of posts about the ABIDE model (Attractors, Barriers, Identity, Dissent/diversity and Environment) that I've learned about at the interesting course 'Coaching Self-Organising Teams'  by Joseph Pelrine. Here you can read more about the model. My idea is to post here the exercise I'm doing to better understand and learn the ABIDE model. I will take the list of patterns from the Fearless Change book of Linda Rising (you can find it here) and for every pattern I will try to: identify what is the Complex Adaptive System that is described in that pattern (i.e. a...

Theory X management style in IT ? Mmmmmmh

In short Theory X management style is based on the assumption that workers:       dislike work and will avoid it when possible; need to be forced with the threat of punishment to work towards organisational objectives. Prefer to be directed; to avoid responsibility; are relatively unambitious, and want security above all else.        While most hackers and computer programmers enjoy to use their intellectual potential to solve challenging problems (mastery) in their work, are proud to contribute substantially to the company success (purpose) and are keen on taking responsibility for their work (autonomy). This is a scientific finding. Theory Y management...