febbraio 2010 Blog Posts

Dealing With the Organizational Challenges of Agile Adoption

Traduci al ITALIANO >>> Here the link to the 2nd interesting presentation: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Agile-Adoption-Joseph-Pelrine My notes of tools mentioned in the presentation: emotional resonance levels of a team adopting Agile within an organization read Leading Resonant Teams retrospective coherence of complex systems read on retrospective coherence part I system x knowledge matrix and sense-making for ontological boundaries ...

Abnormal Sprint Termination, ancora sulla

Translate into ENGLISH >>> La causa piú comune tra quelle che provocano la cancellazione dello Sprint in corso é quando il Product Owner valuta che non é piú utile completare lo Sprint (ad esempio perché il Goal dello Sprint é obsoleto e non piú valido). In questo caso é il Product Owner che ha l'autoritá di decidere la cancellazione. C'é un altro possibile caso. Scrum indica chiaramente che durante il Planning Meeting all'inizio dello Sprint gli Item dello Sprint Backlog sono scelti dal Product Backlog insieme allo Sprint...

50 Famously Successful People Who Failed At First

Traduci al ITALIANO >>> People make mistakes. This is not 'human error',  it is human nature Is this that permits us to learn, to adapt and to innovate. There is arrogant people that makes mistakes like everyone else but denies it and always thinks it's someone else fault. They think they are smarter just because they believe that anyone else is stupid. There is people that puts all his energy into avoiding mistakes, and this prevent them to pursue their potential. There is shy people, that makes mistakes like everyone else, when it happen they blush, and they try hard to learn...

Scrum: i meeting e la loro durata

Translate into ENGLISH >>> Tutti i meeting sono Time-Boxed: Sprint Planning: max 8 ore per uno Sprint di un mese, proporzionalmente meno per Sprint piú corti Partecipa necessariamente Team e Product Owner, SM opzionale Daily Scrum meeting: massimo 15 minuti Partecipa Team, sono opzionali Scrum Master e Product Owner Sprint Review: max 4 ore per uno Sprint di un mese, proporzionalmente meno per Sprint...

Sul Daily Scrum Meeting

Translate into ENGLISH >>> Alcune cose che Scrum prevede riguardo il Daily Scrum: É time-boxed con durata massima di 15 minuti Il luogo e l'ora sono fissi per tutta la durata dello Sprint Lo Scrum Master deve assicurarsi che il team abbia il Daily Scrum meeting ma non é obbligatorio che lo Scrum Master partecipi quando non é anche un dev del team. E' previsto che lo Scrum Master...

Blend of Science, Process &Teamwork

Traduci al ITALIANO >>> Have found this presentation very interesting: http://www.infoq.com/interviews/pelrine-social-network-complexity Here follows my annotations of tools mentioned in the presentation: speed dating to put teams together narrative inquiry or archetypal narrative used in requirements elicitation and surfacing problems Read the definition on wikipedia, read also this paper buffers to deal with external teams social network analysis or SNA...

OpenAgile Vs Scrum

Traduci al ITALIANO >>> Read about in this interesting post: Comparison of OpenAgile with Scrum To me they are really the same thing, explained and described in two different ways. This means to me twice the chances to understand it right... or one chance to understand it twice deeper. Indeed. If you are really curious about the deep similarities read this excerpt from OpenAgile The six blind men and the elephant and compare it with Sense Making a complexity science tool that stands at the foundations of Scrum. And you? Do you see more differences or...