Scrum is officially Open for Modification and Extension

Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, Scrum's creators, are inviting practitioners from around the world to contribute to Scrum proposing and integrating changes and extensions to Scrum.

So now there is a formal process that make available a public mechanism for providing feedback on the Scrum Guide and a model for proposing extensions to the basic framework.

I see the feedback in this mechanism as a 2 way communication channel. It means that proposing a change or extension can be a learning experience and an interesting exercise. Can be an opportunity to learn how to modify Scrum without lowering potential productivity and quality (remember that during the retrospective meeting the main focus is to improve the way the team work within the Scrum process framework, looking at people and relationships, and also at the development process and the engineering practices and the definition of "Done")

Interesting to note that In the template used to propose a change or an extension it is explained that the scope is Scrum itself and not the software patterns that we all use to apply Scrum to software development.
It's also interesting that you also need to find a sponsor for your proposal, an interesting way to encourage peer reviews.

Here the official announcement .
Here for proposing a Change to Scrum.
And here for proposing an extension.

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Print | posted @ domenica 9 ottobre 2011 21:08

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