marzo 2011 Blog Posts

Gestione Agile del Codice sorgente: branch o no ?

Copia-incollo da un thread di XPUG-IT contributi da alcuni post tra cui uno di Piergiuliano Bossi. Sul tema viene in aiuto il principio XP di semplicitá (quella che si raggiunge attraverso skill e padronanza, non quella che deriva dal banalizzare) il principio XP di flusso (fare una cosa in modo continuo e incrementale spinge a eliminare le inefficenze e lo spreco e risulta piu effecace, pensa ad esempio al refactoring continuo del TDD comparato a i grandi refactoring) il principio Agile: Gli individui e le interazioni prima...

Technical Debt or Management Debt ?

From long time sw developers are used to discuss, analyze and try to avoid technical debt. Are managers and sw project managers discussing about Management Debt as well ? I annotate some form of Management Debt here: multitasking (*) lack of decision-making decision-making before the last responsible moment ignoring available data and info ignore feedback from real users or co-workers procrastinating release in production ...

Code is a form of human communication

Code is a form of human communication. ... Remember, whether you like them or not, other people are going to read your code, and you owe it to them to make what you wrote easy to read. From: Literate Coding, George V. Neville-Neil See also: Literate programming

Discipline and Organizations

Source: An also, from

An interesting Scrum Guide

An interesting Scrum Guide: Professional Scrum Master, Ken Schwaber Tags :  Team Work | Agile | Progettazione Software | Traduci al ITALIANO >>>