gennaio 2012 Blog Posts

After 10 years of Agile Manifesto, Agile is mainstream, maybe the time has come for the next generation

10 years have passed, bringing successes [0][1], and bringing new challenges for the next 10 years [2][3][4][5]. Also now, Agile is mainstream. And this can be the major change after these 10 years. Indeed this is something that cannot be changed, controlled or forced into a predefined plan. Instead is something to welcome and to adapt to, searching for the best possible outcomes. This event, Agile that from a minority is turned into a mainstream approach, also has the potential to be a disruptive event, because it can change the game and this could fade away most of the original Agile ideas. For...

Comprimi Tweet in Italiano rilasciata on-line (beta)

La app web che comprime i tweet piu lunghi in 140 caratteri, é rilasciata e accessible online qui: La lista delle abbreviazioni é migliorabile, si possono aggiungere abbreviazioni piu chiare, abbreviazioni che mancano e cambiare l'ordine cambiando cosi la prioritá con cui vengono applicate Per migliorare le abbreviazioni in Italiano, clicca su   Switch to Italian Tweets   e poi clicca il bottone    Advanced View >>> Save e Load permettono di salvare i miglioramenti e ricaricarli in seguito, e inviano una copia dei miglioramenti al Server cosi potranno essere inclusi nei rilasci futuri della applicazione !

Cos'é per te XP ?

Questa é una delle domande rivolte da Andrea Gervasini per la sua tesi sull'Extreme Programming come conclusione della sua laurea presso l'Università dell'Insubria di Varese. Trascrivo qui la risponsta che mi sono dato. Commenti e visioni alternative sono ben accolte :) Cos'é per te XP, la personale visione di cos'è xp tralasciando i libri ? Riconoscere in ogni progetto e sviluppo software quello che sappiamo e anche quello che non conosciamo, non possiamo prevedere e non possiamo controllare. e adattare il nostro modo di lavorare di conseguenza. reagendo, adattandoci, esplorando, trovando l'equilibrio tra cio che possiamo anticipare e cio...

Greed dice game exercise from Ruby Koans

One of the Learn Ruby Koans exercise is about implementing a method that calculate the score of the Greed dice game. A friend reviewed my solution pointing out some conditional expressions that could be avoided (from 3 they are zero now), some state that could be removed (greed_roll_scores is calculated and never changed now), and in the way of the refactoring some duplication (2 similar rules of the games now are both applied with a unique common logic) become evident and I removed it. Here is the resulting score method, I left also the comments with the Greed game description and the...

Ruby custom and automatic attribute accessors

The automatic one: class Foo   attr_accessor :name     def initialize     @name = "no name"   end end The custom one: class Foo   def initialize     @name = "no name"   end   def name     @name   end     def name= value     @name = value   end end Tags :  Team Work | Tools | Progettazione Software | Traduci al ITALIANO >>>

Ruby lambdas and each and enumerators

When I define and assign a lambda like this my_lambda = lambda{ |key, value| puts key, value } can I call an array or hash each method that return an enumerator and pass my lambda as body of the each, { :one=>1, :two=> 2 }.each my_lambda like this ? Honestly I felt the lack of an interactive debugger and of a tool/reflector to dig into the each method implementation here. A more experienced Ruby programmer could tell me where to find them probably. That call gave me an error, wrong number of parameters (1 for 0) in the each call. With some memory of C++ syntax...

Ruby Koans and Ruby idioms

At the have found funny ways to start learning Ruby with examples and small code exercises, a very practical approach. Ruby in Twenty Minutes has been an enjoyable start, also Hackety Hack! that remember me ProfStef from Smalltalk land. Then I was ready to start with The Ruby Koans, a way to look a little deeper in to the language driven by unit tests, great and funny !!! After that I investigated more Ruby idioms, &, some of them related to more advanced or esoteric language features, that you would live perfectly without the 99.99% of the times and that...