An excerpt from Joseph Pelrine training material about
They define the edges of the system, who is in and who is out. By changing the barriers of the system, who is included and who is not, you change the dynamics in the system. In a sense, a boundary is the opposite of an attractor – people will shy away from it. “Barriers” is a more appropriate term than “boundaries”
barrier, as I understood, can delineate a behavior, shape the structure and (as attractors) provide coherence of the system. Can be i.e. a policy, someone who deny a permission/support/cooperation, the scarcity of a resource, a team practice, the geographic distance.
In a system is possible to
add or
remove or
move a barrier,
change a barrier from rigid/brittle to elastic or from permeable to semi-permeable and vice-versa.
Here follows the list of patterns (
from the Fearless Change book of Linda Rising) as I've classified them as Barriers doing the exercise, do you agree, do you have comments, would you classify them differently ?
Time to time was not easy to me to choose between an attractor and a barrier, environment or dissent. I.e. a barrier can be moved to include or exclude an attractor so what to chose in that case? A barrier can be moved to exclude a dissent/disagreement or can have a huge effect to the environment. Anyway I tried to choose the principal factor.
Whisper in the General’s Ear
Managers are sometimes hard to convince in a group setting, so meet privately to address any concerns.
Managers who are against your new idea have the power to block your progress.
Set up a short one-one-one meeting with a manager to address any concerns with the innovation and the effort to introduce it.
The system here is unclear to me.
The barrier removed here is the block of the progress from managers against the new idea.
Corporate Angel
To help align the innovation with the goals of the organization, get support from a high-level executive.
Support from local management will provide some attention and resources for the new idea, but you need high-level support to have a more lasting impact.
Enlist the support of a high-level executive who has a special interest in the new idea and will provide direction and the resources to support it.
The system is the group supporting the innovation.
The barrier that is moved here is the boundary of the system to include high-level executive and local managers.
Local Sponsor
Ask for Help from first-line management. When your boss supports the tasks you are doing to introduce the new idea, you can be even more effective.
You need attention and resources for the new idea.
Find a first-line manager to support your new idea, ideally, your boss.
The system here is unclear to me.
The barrier that is moved here is the boundary of the system to obtain the support, attention and resources.
Corridor Politics
Informally work on decision makers and key influencers before an important vote to make sure they fully understand the consequences of the decision.
It’s difficult to address the concerns of all decision makers when a new idea is raised in a meeting.
Informally work on decision makers and key influencers one-on-one before the vote. Try to get the approval of anyone who can kill it.
The system here is unclear to me.
The barrier is moved here to include of the support of the influencers.
Involve Everyone
For a new idea to be successful across an organization, everyone should have an opportunity to support the innovation and make his own unique contribution.
Even when you ask for help, there’s a tendency to take on too much. Others, especially those who don’t see the value in the new idea, may think of it as “your show.”
Make it known that everyone is welcome to be part of the change effort. Involve people from as many different groups as possible: management, administrative and technical support, marketing and training.
The system is the group that participate to the change effort.
The barrier is moved here to include everyone.
To help you spread the word about the innovation, ask for Help from people who have connections with many others in the organization.
Your organization is too big for you to personally contact everyone.
Ask for help in spreading the word about the innovation from those who know and communicate with many others in your organization.
The system is the group supporting the new idea.
The barrier that is moved here is the boundary of the system to include people that know how to communicate with many others.
Early Majority
To create commitment to the new idea in the organization, you must convince the majority.
The support of Innovators and Early Adopters will spark the new idea in the organization, but you need much more to truly have impact.
Expand the group that has adopted the new idea rapidly to include the more deliberate majority that will allow the idea to establish a strong foothold in your organization.
The system is the group that has adopted the new idea.
The barrier is moved here to include of the support of the Innovators and Early Adopters .
Ask for Help
Since the task of introducing a new idea into an organization is a big job, look for people and resources to help your efforts.
The job of introducing a new idea into an organization is too big for one person, especially a newcomer who doesn’t know the ropes.
Ask as may people as you can for help when you need it. Don’t try to do it alone.
The system is the group supporting the new idea.
The barrier that is moved here is the boundary of the system to include more people and resources that will help.
Shoulder to Cry On
To avoid becoming too discouraged when the going gets tough, find opportunities to talk with others who are also struggling to introduce a new idea.
When you’re struggling to introduce a new idea, it’s easy to become discouraged.
Get together regularly with others who are also working to introduce the new idea or are interested in the process.
The system is the group introducing the new idea.
The barrier is moved here to include others who are also struggling to introduce a new idea.
Stay in Touch
Once you’ve enlisted the support of key persons, don’t forget about them and make sure they don’t forget about you.
Your key supporters have too many things to think about and can forget about the new idea.
Stay in touch with your key supporters.
The system here is unclear to me.
The barrier here is reinforced to stay in touch with key supporters.
See all the other parts of this exercise: ABIDE model, an exercise