Come dare feedback in modo efficace

Delle indicazioni su come dare il proprio feedback perché venga capito ed usato: 

  • It starts with an opening that sets the stage
    Lets people know that you have something important to say, that this isn’t a run-of-the-mill conversation.
    It also gives people a chance to respond, “This isn’t a good time. Can we talk later?".

  • Provides a clear description of behavior or results
    Don't make judgments:  
    - Clear descriptive data and examples
    - Avoid labels, comparatives and absolutes
    - Stick to what you know and what you’ve observed.

    Here are a few examples:

    Your report uses subheads to help organize the material. Great report!
    I see your face is turning red and you are hitting the table. You're freaking out.
    In our design meeting, you rolled your eyes after Trudy presented her ideas. You were rude to Trudy in our design meeting.
    I noticed that your questions in our strategy session helped us think about the issues more clearly. You're really smart.

  • Helps the person understand the impact his behavior has on others
    People need specific descriptive information about what they are doing well, too.
    Describing the impact helps the feedback recipient understand the effect of his behavior.
    If there’s no impact to the behavior or result, there’s no need to give feedback.
    If the only impact is, “I don’t like it” or, “I think people shouldn’t act that way,” it’s time to hold off on giving feedback and to examine your own judgments and responses.

Fonte: What Every Manager Should Know About Feedback


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Print | posted @ venerdì 25 maggio 2007 19:50

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Gravatar # re: Come dare feedback in modo efficace
by Omar Damiani at 11/12/2007 12:08

Io che sono innamorato dell'obiettività e oggettività, trovo davvero ottimo e utile questo post.

Non avevo mai pensato effettivamente che ci fosse un modo per descrivere il rendimento di una persona senza giudicarla soggettivamente.

Grazie e complimenti!
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