Comunicazione e gli informatici II

Alcune annotazioni da un articolo che leggo:

  1. Colma la distanza tra le tue intenzioni ed il tuo comportamento. 
    We measure ourselves by our intentions; others measure us by our behavior. ... 
      Others see only what we do. It is also very common for others to infer what our intentions are, and often they infer the worst  ... we can always state our true intentions up front. ...  Asking for feedback gets us the data we need to understand whether we are getting the outcomes we intend.

  2. Impara ad ascoltare. 
    A friend once observed that communication seemed to consist of talking and waiting to talk.  ...  Many of us experience unconscious barriers to good listening that keep us from recognizing when we are not listening: desire to be right, a fear of another’s influence, self-absorption with our own ideas, or apprehension about our ability to express ourselves lest we take our mind off our own thoughts.

  3. Conosci la platea. 
    Considering your audience, its level of experience with what you want to communicate and what it really needs to get out of your message may take time and effort; the benefits, however, will be worth the investment.

  4. Misura il successo della tua comunicazione dai risultati che raggiunge. 
    Improving communication skills requires that we assess the effectiveness of our efforts ...  Sometimes the outcome is the knowledge that another has understood , sometimes it is improved relationships, sometimes it is about getting what you want or the acknowledgment of your capabilities.

Fonte:  A CIO's Guide to Communication Basics
Vedi anche: Comunicazione e gli informatici

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Print | posted @ mercoledì 21 giugno 2006 02:14

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