Informatica altrove, India

Narayana Murthy in India e in tutto il mondo è una leggenda per il successo di Infosys, l'azienda che ha fondato insieme ai suoi 6 soci nel 1981 con l'ambizioso obiettivo di «leveraging sweat equity and creating wealth legally and ethically in India».

Narayana Murthy ha iniziato la sua attività (prima ancora del 1981) praticamente dal nulla, senza potersi permettere nemmeno l'acquisto dei PC su cui lavorare ed è riuscito ad aprire filiali in tutto il mondo. Grazie al suo straordinario successo viene spessso indicato come il Bill Gates indiano.

Colpisce in Infosys l'importanza data da Narayana Murthy alle persone, al capitale umano, nel determinare il reale valore (si, economico) di una knowledge-intensive company, famosa questa sua citazione «Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning.»

Di lui colpisce si sia dimostrato «a modest-living executive in a country where the rich are known for their excess» e uno che rispetta le regole della propria azienda cosa che «is groundbreaking in India, where founders and their descendants tend to rule their creations like lords, making rules but never following it».

Altre note sparse che mi hanno colpito:

  • Narayana Murthy believes in leading by example, he sees the importance of consistency in rhetoric and action in empowering employees.

  • Infosys was voted India’s most admired company by a January 2000 survey in The Economic Times.

  • One human resources selection criteria in particular stands out: the “Learnability”. At Infosys, learnability is defined as the ability of an individual to derive general conclusions from specific situations and then apply them to a new unstructured situation.

  • At Infosys, training and development is the next step in building its human assets where the objective is to match the available skills and abilities to its business requirements.

  • All fresh technology entrants receive 14.5 w eeks of training. Beyond entry-level training, people may nominate themselves for the scheduled courses. In addition, course may be offered on request.

  • As the number of projects to be handed has increased, the demand for project management skills in goal setting, communication, coaching, delegation and team management has also increased.

  • Invariably the technical personnel are chosen to move to a management track. This choice is ironic in some ways because the better an individual is in technical skills (such as writing code) the more likely he/she is to be moved away from using the technical expertise into a management track requiring management expertise.


Link interessanti:
- N. R. Narayana Murthy:
- India’s software icon steps down from top job:

Print | posted @ giovedì 12 aprile 2007 03:59

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