Mi annoto da un post interessante come i progetti si concludono prima quando ogni persona/team ne segue uno alla volta
Il punto é decidere dal portfolio dei progetti quale progetto seguire (sino a quando e´prevista la prossima valutazione delle prioritá del portfolio progetti). E metterci il focus al 100% su quel progetto
Make a Real Commitment
When you commit to a project, make it a full commitment, meaning that all the necessary people are on the project full time and that they have all the necessary resources they'll need, such as a project room, computers, networks, white boards, and sticky notes.
When you make a commitment to a project, decide how long that commitment should last. If you only evaluate the project portfolio once a year, then the commitment is for the entire year
The key is to make a real commitment. If the managers can't commit, put this project on the project portfolio backlog for now. You can always move it from the backlog to a committed project when you have people and resources available.
Decide, Don't Multitask
If you're a manager, make a conscious decision about the state of each project. If you're a technical person, help your manager make that decision. Whatever you do, don't avoid a decision. Not making a decision means each technical person decides for him or herself which project to work on, and that means no one finishes projects quickly.
Making the commit/kill/transform decision isn't easy, but it's necessary. You'll get more work done, and everyone will be thrilled to focus their attention on one project at a time.
Un quesito interessante é questo. Come decidere un progetto alla volta e allo stesso tempo rimandare la decisione all'ultimo momento responsabile come ha fatto Microsoft nel 1988 che ha tenuto aperte tutte le opzioni MS-DOS, Window, OS/2 e Unix in attesa che il mercato decidesse?
Qualcuno intuisce una possibile risposta ?
Tags : Team Work | Agile | Pratiche | Lean Agile | Leadership |
Print | posted @ sabato 24 gennaio 2009 15:14