A tutti gli estimatori di Prism segnalo il rilascio della versione 2.1, le principali novità sono:
- All Visual Studio projects (Composite Application Library, reference implementation, and Quickstarts) were migrated to use Silverlight 3.
- TabRegionControlAdapter was modified to support binding in the TabItem’s control header in Silverlight 3.
- CreateXap.bat file was modified to search for Silverlight 3 assemblies if the Silverlight 2 reference assemblies cannot be found.
- Implemented the WeakEvent Pattern for the DelegateCommand’s and CompositeComand’s (more on this below).
Download: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=387c7a59-b217-4318-ad1b-cbc2ea453f40