giugno 2011 Blog Posts

Recensione: Sviluppare Applicazioni per Windows Phone

Ieri sera ho dedicato un po’ di tempo ad una piacevole sorpresa ricevuta in mattinata: L’ultima fatica letteraria degli amici di ASPItalia: Daniele Bochicchio, Marco Leoncini, Alessio Leoncini, Cristian Civera e Marco de Sanctis (in rigoroso ordine casuale…) dal titolo “Sviluppare applicazioni per Windows Phone” Ogni volta che leggo dell’inizio di un loro nuovo libro la domanda che mi pongo è sempre la stessa? “Ma dove lo trovano il tempo?”,; evidentemente hanno trovato una formula segreta perchè ogni volta riescono nel loro intento ovvero condividere la loro conoscenza e (sopratutto)  esperienza spesso su nuove come, ad esempio, Windows...

posted @ giovedì 9 giugno 2011 08:14 | Feedback (0)

Using Local Database in WP7-Mango

If you’re a  Windows Phone 7  developer you’ll probably know that with ‘Mango’ it is now possible to persist data using a local database based on SQL Server CE  whose data files are stored inside isolated storage, this is a quick overview of how to save and load data on a Windows Phone 7.1 application. First of all, if you, like me, gave Linq2Sql a change when it came out you’ll probably happy to know that your investment has gone totally lost from Entity Framework advent since all database interaction is based on  Linq2Sql. In...

posted @ domenica 5 giugno 2011 19:34 | Feedback (2)

SystemTray in WP7-Mango

Jaime Rodriguez in this post describes some new features of the SystemTray class in upcoming WP7 Mango release, I won’t repeat them since Jaime’s post is quite explanatory, I’ve instead investigated more the “Progress” feature mentioned on that post. Here’s how I’ve configured my SystemTray on MainPage.xaml: <phone:PhoneApplicationPage x:Class="SystemTrayBackground.MainPage" xmlns="" ...

posted @ sabato 4 giugno 2011 10:45 | Feedback (0)

Windows 8 to be a HTML5 only story?

I think that no developer on earth today is not aware that yesterday Steven Sinofsky introduced a sneak peek of Windows 8 new user interface, in case you’re one of those, here’s some references: After seeing this, as Silverlight developer you might think? hey man? so the future will be dominated by JavaScript and HTML5? Based on what was said it might sound true but, does anyone mentioned “Silverlight won’t run on Windows 8”? I have no more info than you on this but, after many...

posted @ giovedì 2 giugno 2011 20:14 | Feedback (3)