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MCT Summit 2013 Helsinki, Finland 28-30/11/2013

The MCT Summit 2013 will be held in Helsinki, Finland. MCT Summit 2013 in Helsinki will have three different tracks: Infrastructure, Information Worker and Soft Skills. All sessions will be recorded for viewing later.

In two and a half days you will have a onetime opportunity to:

  • Meet the new “Boss” Karen Juhl and hear what new is taking place in the world of MCT’s. A lot is changing that will affect your career and your peers’
  • Get soft skills training from the worlds best trainers – 1/4 of the price of TechEd yet still you can see and hear for example the best session in TechEd Australia 2013. We’ve got speakers and sessions that are highly awarded globally!
  • Listen to the most up to date technical sessions by world leading professionals from all around the world
  • Get access to all the content after the sessions as all sessions are professionally recorded on site
  • Meet your fellow MCT’s in a great environment. The venue is conveniently located in the center of Helsinki and it makes it easy to explore our capital at the same time.
  • Visit the Homeland of Nokia, the Angry Birds, the Clash of Clans and Santa Claus himself

Print | posted on lunedì 21 ottobre 2013 20:36 | Filed Under [ Notizie dal mondo e fatti miei ]

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