
Il blog di Rosalba Fiore [Microsoft Certified Trainer]
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Windows Vista

Congratulations! On behalf of Microsoft, we are happy to welcome you back to the Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

Per chi non l'avesse mai letta a me è arrivata oggi. Dal 2006...gli anni passano mamma come passano!

Apr  3 2013

Congratulations! On behalf of Microsoft, we are happy to welcome you  back to the Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) Program for another  year. You will receive your MCT Welcome Kit within four to six weeks.

As an active MCT, you will continue to have access to the MCT member  web site ( The member site offers exclusive  program information, access to the Microsoft Learning Download Center,  digitized logos for download and many other benefits and special  offers. It also gives you the ability to update your personal  information and print or share your transcript.

For a full list of your MCT benefits, and for information on how to  access these, please visit or contact your Regional Service  Center with questions (  or visit us at for the latest program and  certification information.

Thank you for renewing your Microsoft Certified Trainer membership.  We look forward to working with you and making your MCT participation  a great success!


MCT Program Team

Microsoft respects your privacy. Review our online Privacy Statement.

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA, USA 98052

Print | posted on giovedì 4 aprile 2013 20:48 | Filed Under [ Notizie dal mondo e fatti miei ]

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