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Ieri Cobol ed oggi..

Mentre ieri parlavo di cose che hanno fatto storia, oggi qualche cosa su cosa si profila all'orizzonte,


direttamente dai laboratori di Microsoft Reaserch  (c'è l'area People se volete vedere i volti di chi ci lavora) maggiori news ed il blog di riferimento di Don Syme.

Chissà che ruolo avrà in futuro nella nostra vita di sviluppatori!!! Avrà uno sviluppo, a distanza di tanti anni ne parleremo/useremo ancora come il Cobol ed il Fortran?

Per ora io ancora non mi pronuncio :) però la voce su Wiki esiste già:

"F# (pronounced F sharp) is a functional and object oriented programming language for the Microsoft .NET platform. A strength of F# is its setting within .NET. A key design aim is seamless .NET interoperability, both via direct use of .NET APIs from F# and authorship of natural .NET components in F#. Consequently, the main F# libraries are the .NET libraries themselves (e.g. DirectX, Windows Forms, and ASP.NET, as well as alternatives like Gtk#). A Visual Studio plugin provides a graphical development environment, including features such as background type-checking with feedback under the mouse, which is extremely helpful for those unfamiliar with type inference.

F# is developed by Microsoft Research, and has a core language that is similar to that of the Caml language: both are members of the ML programming language family.

F# also provides a standard library of its own, designed to be largely compatible with the OCaml standard library. Since the two languages also share a common language subset, it can thus be quite practical to compile a single codebase with both. This enables core Caml code to be ported to the .NET world, and core F# code to run with OCaml. Maintaining this basic compatibility is one of the primary goals of the project.

As a research project, F# demonstrates how .NET enables interoperability between different programming paradigms. It showcases a set of extensions to .NET's intermediate language IL, called ILX, which demonstrate how a strict curried functional language may be compiled efficiently."

fonte: Wikipedia

Print | posted on giovedì 19 luglio 2007 13:58 | Filed Under [ C# Notizie dal mondo e fatti miei ]

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