Dopo questi giorni di stress extremo ho deciso di prendermi qualche giorno di meritatissima vacanza :D
Prima di dispormi in modalità rigorosamente offline, ho trovato qualcosa che potrebbe esservi utile. Poichè non esiste solo SQL Server etc ma c'è anche tutto un mondo intorno ecco qualche utility interessante per collegare i due mondi :
MySQL Connector/Net -- for connecting to MySQL from .NET
Connector/ODBC - MySQL ODBC driver
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MySQL Migration Toolkit
The MySQL Migration Toolkit is a powerful framework that enables you to quickly migrate your proprietary databases to MySQL. Using a Wizard-driven interface, the MySQL Migration Toolkit implements a proven methodology and walks you through the necessary steps to successfully complete a database migration project. By using the Migration Toolkit, you will be able to
- Quickly migrate your databases including schema objects such as tables and views from Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access and other databases
- Reduce risk by using a proven migration methodology
- Save costs by using an integrated tool set to increase productivity
- Eliminate days of work required to manually write, test and debug scripts
- Customize the migration process and adapt the tool to your needs
Download the Migration Toolkit »
Watch the Migration Toolkit in Action:
Una cosa carina è il che traccia geograficamente l'IP per suggerire il mirror adatto per fare il down di tutto.