XNA Game Studio 2.0 European Tour 2007 - 28/11 Università di Milano Bicocca

Incredibile ma vero, ma nonostante la situazione "non accativante" dell'industria dello sviluppo di videogiochi del nostro paese, Microsoft a sorpresa lancia un messaggio chiaro di interesse, includendo l'Italia nelle 7 tappe del tour europeo di presentazione del nuovo XNA Game Studio 2.0.

L'evento si terrà il 28 Novembre presso l'Università di Milano Bicocca:

Edificio U6 - Aula 4 - Via Pirelli 22
All'evento parteciperanno due membri del team di XNA di Redmond:

  Dave Mitchell - Direttore Microsoft XNA

  Charles Cox - Developer Educator Microsoft XNA

Cliccando sul banner quì sotto, arriverete alla pagina di registrazione dell'evento. Io mi sono già iscritto, eventualmente... ci si vede lì!!  :)
Di seguito le sessioni previste.



Sessione di benvenuto

Emanuele Arpini, Academic Marketing Manager, Microsoft


Opening Keynote: The Ongoing Democratization of Game Development


Dave Mitchell, Director, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation


Analisi della Games Industry in Italia

Sessione dedicata all’analisi della figura professionale del games developer in Italia, quali competenze ed esperienze sono necessarie per uno sviluppo professionale in questo settore.

Partner italiani:





Diving in to XNA Game Studio 2.0 and the XNA Framework

Dave Mitchell, Director, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation & Charles Cox, Developer Educator, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation


Pranzo e area espositiva



Building a Game in 60 Minutes with XNA Game Studio 2.0

Charles Cox, Developer Educator, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation



Sessione di chiusura

Strumenti e risorse per professori e studenti interessati allo sviluppo di games.

·        Imagine Cup XNA Invitational

·        Free Creator’s Club Memberships for faculty

·        XNA Games Studio 2.0

·        XNA Getting Started Resource DVD

Mauro Minella – Academic Evangelist, Microsoft


Session Abstracts

Keynote: The Ongoing Democratization of Game Development

Dave Mitchell, Director, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation

Join Dave Mitchell from the Microsoft XNA organization as he shares Microsoft’s plans to democratize game development beyond the initial XNA Game Studio Express offering.  As the video game industry is reaching a critical juncture in its growth as a mainstream entertainment form, consumers are becoming an increasingly important partner in the creation of innovative, fun gameplay experiences which compliment commercially released titles.  This keynote will share the next instalment of the XNA vision to further democratize game development by the community.



Diving in to XNA Game Studio 2.0 and the XNA Framework
Dave Mitchell, Director, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation &
Charles Cox, Developer Educator, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation
XNA Game Studio 2.0 is the highly anticipated new release of a revolutionary game development tool that gives hobbyist, academic and indie game programmers a chance to develop and share their own games on Windows and Xbox 360.  This demo-heavy session will take a closer look at what is new in 2.0 including the newly-added networking libraries based on Xbox LIVE, support for Visual Studio 2005 Standard, Professional and Team editions, new multiplayer starter kits, samples and more.



Building a Game in 60 Minutes with XNA Game Studio 2.0 [60 minutes]

Charles Cox, Developer Educator, Microsoft XNA, Microsoft Corporation

During this live session we put XNA Game Studio 2.0 to the test and build a fully-realized casual game running on an Xbox 360 in just sixty minutes. Whether you are a seasoned games coder or a programmer thinking of moving into game development, this demo-packed session will give you plenty of food for thought and the information to get you started.

Print | posted on sabato 10 novembre 2007 16:07


# re: XNA Game Studio 2.0 European Tour 2007 - 28/11 Università di Milano Bicocca

Left by brago at 13/11/2007 00:58
Gravatar Bene bene... ci saranno anche i ragazzi dello studio evil (http://www.studioevil.com). Facciamogli vedere che anche in italia c'è movimento!!! ;o)

# re: XNA Game Studio 2.0 European Tour 2007 - 28/11 Università di Milano Bicocca

Left by XeViAN at 15/11/2007 00:56
Gravatar Yess, GO!GO!GO!
Non vedo l'ora :)
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