"...the programmers and architects and managers who develop software don't understand their customers anywhere near as well as they should, as well as designers in other industries have been forced to"
"As with many areas of computing, user interface design is a highly specialized skill, of which most programmer knows nothing"
"Programmers value control more than ease of use, concentrating on making complex things possible instead of making simple things simple."
"User interface design guru Alan Cooper defines a "computer-literate user" as one who has been hurt so many times that the scar tissue is thick enough so he ho longer feels the pain"
"The human dimension is the first problem that any security system need to solve, and very few even attempt it".
Da Why software sucks di David S.Platt.
Debbo dire che è un libro veramente carino che si fa leggere decisamente bene. Sono rimasto sorpreso anche dal fatto che c'è una lunga sessione dedicata alla sicurezza. Sicuramente un libro da leggere.
Tags: Why software sucks