In this series of articles (source code is available on GitHub), we'll develop a microservices application for an imaginary food delivery company called "MicroDelivery".
We'll have several services, each with its own logic, that will interact via RPC call or pub\sub messaging and we'll see how to use Dapr to build it.
⚠️ Disclaimer
My goal here is to give you a birds-eye view of the different features of Dapr, not to guide you step by step on building an application from scratch, nor to explain the single details of Dapr (there's the official website and several books for that!)
I won't explain why and when to adopt a microservices architecture and related pros\cons, nor we'll talk about any design\integrations\architectural patterns.
☁️We're not going to use any Cloud Provider (only on-prem docker services), but of course, the nature of Dapr allows you to easily switch from on-prem to the cloud.
⚒️ The application leverages several technologies(Redis, RabbitMq, SqlServer, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Zipkin) and shows you how it's simple to use them together with Dapr. Of course, in the real world, you need to analyze your requirements and understand if these tools are useful for your needs along with their strong and weak points.
Customers Microservice

Customers Microservice
It's a CRUD microservice to manage customers' data.
It persists its data in SQL Server using Entity Framework and caches them in MongoDB, using Dapr State block
Products Microservice

Products Microservice
It's a CRUD microservice to manage products' data.
It persists its data in PostgreSQL using Entity Framework and caches them in Redis using Dapr State block
Orders Microservice

Orders Microservice
It's a microservice that receives the order requests, performs some, publishes a message (OrderSubmittedEvent) to notify other services, and receives a message (OrderShipped) to mark an order as shipped.
It persists its data in MongoDB, calls Discount\ Customers\Products microservices using service-to-service DAPR block, and send\received message in RabbitMQ using Dapr Pub\Sub block,
Discount Microservice

Discount Microservice
It's a microservice that, if enabled by configuration, calculates a random discount (very funny, isn't it?) that remains valid until the next recalculation.
The (re)calculation is triggered by a Dapr CRON Binding, and the configuration is stored on the Redis configuration block. It will be invoked by the Orders microservice using Dapr service-to-service communication,
Notifications Microservice

Notifications Microservice
It's a microservice that receives the message OrderSubmittedEvent and sends a confirmation email to customers, using Dapr SMTP binding.
Shipping Microservice

Shipping Microservice
It's a microservice that receives the message OrderSubmittedEvent and performs an HTTP call to an external Webhook, using Dapr HTTP binding and reading the Bearer Token from Dapr Secret store. It will also publish an OrderShipped event.
Here is the full application diagram

A full diagram of the sample application
The dotted links are the calls to Dapr Sidecar, performed using the C# SDK.
In the next article, we'll see how to set up Dapr within our project.