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gennaio 2024 Blog Posts

Dapr - Secret management

Dapr Secrets management is a feature that provides a secure and scalable way to manage application secrets, such as API keys, passwords, and tokens. You can use different cloud providers and environments such as Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, HashiCorp Vault, or Kubernetes Secrets. In our example, we'll use a JSON file (not recommended in production!) to store the following secrets: "httpbindingtoken": "my auth token",   "ConnectionStrings": {     "SqlServer": "Server=sqlserver;Database=CustomersDb;User Id=sa;Password=admin12345!;TrustServerCertificate=true",     "PostgreSQL": "Server=postgres;Port=5432;Database=ProductsDb;User Id=admin;Password=admin12345;",     "MongoDb": "mongodb://mongo:27017"   },   "MongoDb": {     "DatabaseName": "OrderDb",     "OrdersCollectionName": "Orders"   } } We have two way to retrieve them: declaratively, in...

posted @ venerdì 12 gennaio 2024 15:29 | Feedback (0) | Filed Under [ Dapr Microservices ]

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