A DotNet Raider

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maggio 2023 Blog Posts

Dapr - An introduction to the runtime

Dapr, standing for Distributed Application Runtime, is an open-source event-driven runtime that simplifies the building of resilient microservices-based applications. It's designed to work with any programming language, any infrastructure, and any cloud provider (Azure, AWS, GCP) and it's part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project. Its main goal is to abstract the complexity of distributed systems and allows developers to focus on business logic rather than the underlying infrastructure (warning: just because the complexity is 'hidden' doesn't mean you should not be aware of what it is and how you would solve it). These abstractions...

posted @ lunedì 29 maggio 2023 16:20 | Feedback (0) | Filed Under [ Dapr Microservices ]

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