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MSDN "WPF/E" (codename)

“WPF/E” is the Microsoft solution for delivering rich, cross-platform, interactive experiences including animation, graphics, audio, and video for the Web and beyond. Utilizing a subset of XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language)-based Windows Presentation Foundation technology, “WPF/E” will enable the creation of content and applications that run within multiple browsers and operating systems (Windows and Macintosh) using Web standards for programmability. Consistent with Web architecture, the XAML markup is programmable using JavaScript and works well with ASP.NET AJAX. Broadly available for customers in the first half of 2007, “WPF/E” experiences will require a lightweight browser plug-in made freely available by Microsoft.

L'ho scoperto per caso, ma l'idea sembra interessante. In questo momento l'SDK di "WPF/E" è disponibile come CTP su questo sito, in cui sono contenuti anche numerosi esempi e documentazione tecnica.

Print | posted on mercoledì 6 dicembre 2006 11:40 | Filed Under [ ASP .NET .NET 3.0 ]



# re: MSDN "WPF/E" (codename)

Beh, come ho detto io ho scoperto questo progetto per caso... Purtroppo negli ultimi tempi non sono rimasto molto al passo, so che in futuro questo sarà un prblema :(
07/12/2006 14:43 | Marco Minerva
Comments have been closed on this topic.

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