
Il blog di Antonio Ganci
posts - 201, comments - 420, trackbacks - 31

Letture estive

Consiglio la lettura del blog You are not so smart. Ogni post parla di un errore che comunemente la mente umana commette (The Misconception) per poi approfondire l'argomento (The Truth).

Anche la pagina About segue lo stesso formato:

The Misconception: You are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is.
The Truth: You are as deluded as the rest of us, but that’s OK, it keeps you sane...

Print | posted on lunedì 16 agosto 2010 14:03 |



# re: Letture estive

Grazie! :-)
16/08/2010 22:38 | alexp
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