SQL Server 2005 SP2 has been successfully evaluated against the Common Criteria at EAL4+ (Evaluation Assurance Level 4+) including compliance with the US NSA DBMS Protection Profile V1.1. It is now certified and posted on the BSI (Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) website (http://www.bsi.de/zertifiz/zert/reporte.htm#Database) of the German government. Due to an international mutual recognition agreement (CCRA), that certification is valid in 25 countries including the United States. It may also be accepted individually by another 30+ countries not part of the CCRA.
Insomma, se qualcuno ha ancora dei dubbi circa la stabilità e l’efficienza di SQL Server 2005, ora può finalmente metterli da parte 
Fonte: Carpe Datum Blog
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