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Accedere a Team Foundation Server dalla shell di Windows

Ever heard of Tortoise SVN?  It's a great tool that lets you control Subversion source control from Windows Explorer.  Right-click on a file or folder and you can do operations like check-in, check-out, add, etc.

I use Team Foundation Server for my source control and have missed the convenience of being able to access source like that.  So, I wrote it. 

This is the official announcement of “Dubbelbock TFS“.  With Dubbelbock you can select a directory or file and do “Get Latest“, “Check in“, “Check out“, “Lock“, “Add“, “Undo“, “View Status“, “Compare to Server Version (diff)“, and “View History“.

A questo indirizzo è possibile scaricare una versione di prova del prodotto, valida per 30 giorni. La licenza per il singolo utente costa 25 $.

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Print | posted on domenica 29 luglio 2007 03:07 | Filed Under [ Team Foundation Server ]

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