Al Community Tour di Roma un ospite d’eccezione

Oggi Lorenzo ci ha messo un po’ al lavoro per risistemare l’agenda della tappa romana del community tour, ma ne valeva la pena!

Ospite assai gradito, Lucian Wischik,  viene a tenere una sessione sulla nuova versione di ASync (Asynchronous Programming for C# and Visual Basic) di cui il 28 ottobre scorso è stata rilasciata la CPT.

Riporto l’abstract del suo intervento:

clip_image001Async CTP: async and iterator methods for VB
On 28th October 2010, Microsoft announced the “Async CTP”. The Async CTP is a new and easier way for people to write responsive UIs, scalable web servers, and Silverlight applications. Every developer should know learn enough about async to consider it for all of their projects.
In this talk I’ll describe what the Async CTP is for, and how to use it. Here’s a hint. “Il compito di un cameriere è servire un tavolo finché gli avventori non abbiano finito il loro pasto. Se vuoi seguire due tavoli, hai bisogno di due camerieri”. This sentence is obviously wrong. But programmers have been making exactly the same flaw in their own code. For instance, if you can spot the subtle flaw in the following quote from the Android Developer’s Blog, then you already understand Async: “A good practice in creating responsive applications is to make sure your main UI thread does the minimum amount of work. Any potentially long task that may hang your application should be handled in a different thread. Typical examples of such tasks are network operations, which involve unpredictable delays.”
The Async CTP also brings iterators to VB. They’ve been in C# since 2006, and have long been requested for VB. Actually VB iterators are slightly more powerful than those in C#. I’ll introduce the new-look VB iterators.

BIO: Lucian Wischik is Specification Lead for Visual Basic. He was on the combined C#+VB design team for the new Async feature, and has been working on asynchrony and concurrency for much of his six years at Microsoft. Before that, he did post-doctoral research on the same subject at Bologna University under Prof. Cosimo Laneve. He’s a keen swimmer and sailor.

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posted @ mercoledì 3 novembre 2010 00:40


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# re: Al Community Tour di Roma un ospite d’eccezione

Left by .... at 04/11/2010 17:53
Sync framework e Async sono 2 cose un po' diverse....
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