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Il TFS più piccolo del mondo...

Si... Martin mi stupisce sempre... smile_regular 

Dave Glover has held onto the title of world's smallest Team Foundation Server instance since August 2006.  However, I have a confession to make.  ...CUT...

Team Foundation Server running on an Intel Mac Mini Size comparison from

Courtesy of the good folks at here is a comparison between my Mac Mini, Dave Glovers Mini ITX system in a Morex 3888 case and a can of pop.

...CUT...I'm not sure if virtualized instances count in the World's Smallest TFS Server book of records, but maybe now you can see why I was surprised when it worked so well :-)

Fonte: The World's Smallest TFS?

Print | posted on giovedì 11 gennaio 2007 21:03 | Filed Under [ Community e amici ]

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