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Tra le altre cose... una nuova versione dei PowerTools è all'orizzonte...

Bel post che descrive i tentativi di John Robbins di lavorare offline con TFS, di cui avevo già parlato... Quello che mi interessa di più però è l'ultima frase:

He pointed out a bug in tfpt.exe where you can't get the online command's dialog when standard out is redirected, which was also a bug in tf.exe.  I fixed the bug in tfpt.exe to add the /prompt switch.  Tf.exe also has the same issue, but we had already fixed the Orcas tf.exe a while back.  So, the problem with not getting the online command's dialog as he describes will be fixed when the updated tfpt.exe is released, so long as you add /prompt (I don't know when, but it's not too far off in the future).

Fonte: John Robbins' approach to working offline with Team Foundation Server

Print | posted on giovedì 11 gennaio 2007 17:38 |

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