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Come sapere quando scadrà la Trial 180 giorni di TFS?

Semplicemente guardando la data del primo changeset, che viene creato durante l'installazione:

Anyway, if you want to know what the installation date of your TFS server is then the easiest way is to type the following command in a Visual Studio 2005 command prompt:-

tf changeset 1 /server:http://servername:8080 /noprompt

Where servername is your TFS instance.  I get the following result:-

Changeset: 1
User: tfssetup
Date: 20 February 2006 19:57:54
  add $/

During the installation, Team Foundation Server creates the root branch of the source tree and this is the first changeset on your system.  If you add 180 days to this date then you get when your trial will expire.

Leggete il resto alla fonte: TFS Top Tip #7 - Determine when TFS Trial Edition will expire

Print | posted on sabato 8 luglio 2006 17:05 |

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