Prima di andare a dormire...
Get it here. This release was made relatively
soon after Beta 3 because of some high priority bug fixes. Beta 5 is scheduled
for release on October 31st, and should include some cool new features that
people have been asking for over and over again.
Here is a list of additions, changes, and
- Rotate / Zoom dialog now has controls for fine
- Clone Stamp tool now works as expected when the
mouse's path crosses itself
- Faster rendering for Move Tool when zoomed in
- Save configuration dialog now has a progress
bar when computing file size
- Fixed various Text Tool rendering issues
- Fixed various issues with the Colors toolform
not updating properly
- Fixed various keyboard input issues
- Fixed crash when attempting to display .PDN
thumbnails in Win2K
- Fixed crash when saving TGA image due to
settings data version mismatch
Fonte: Paint.NET v2.5 Beta 4 now available