Concordo in pieno con quest'articolo... ho anche altre
riflessioni... ma la mano "dolorante" che mi ritrovo mi impedisce di scrivere
...CUT...If you come from a small scale software shop,
or only have a couple of customers, it might seem like all fixes take about 2
hours and can be released the afternoon after you compile it. After all
if it doesn't work just apologize and try something else the next day.
Ahhh the good old days. ...CUT... But things are of a bit of a different scale
if your site or software works in different languages, runs on different
systems, support millions of users, etc.
Here's an interesting article about how much work
can go into a "five-lines of code" feature.
Interestingly, none of this thinking is really new -
Brookes wrote the Mythical Man Month some time ago and really not a lot
has changed in that time. Old hands in software development know about
this stuff. But maybe entire generations have grown up without
learning the complexities of large projects. I personally think it would
be instructive
Another good article here on fixing bugs:
And a video on "bug triage" - how do you decide what to
do with bug reports when they come in thick and fast?
Ahh... all that complexity... it's almost enough to stop me from missing late night code writing sessions...