Un articolo molto interessante, anche se alcune cose sono un po datate...
Read it here via Dejan Jelovic
Uno snippet che reputo interessante è il seguente:
6. Sun's complacency about bugs. I've hit against numerous important bugs in the Java libraries. After I isolate a bug I usually check the bug database at java.sun.com to see if there are any workarounds. More often than not, I can see that the bug has been reported a couple of years ago, and that Sun has ignored it. To add to the insult, asshole engineers at Sun sometimes close the bug as unreproducible with a comment like "if someone doesn't send me a piece of code demonstrating this bug, I'm closing it." Like they are doing me a favor for letting me report a bug. Jesus.
In all the years that I have programmed under Windows I didn't find as many bugs as I stepped on for the last two years working in Java. And, none of the bugs in the Windows API were showstoppers. Unfortunately, some of the bugs in the JDK are. For example, the clipping region of a Graphics obtained from a lightweight component by calling getGraphics() is wrong. Finding a way around that kind of bug is a nightmare.
Fonte: What is good & bad in Java?