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Bombardato il villaggio dei Puffi...

The Unicef advert, which  shows the Smurf's village being bombed

In a bizzare move to raise awareness about the effects of war on children, Unicef has created a short film depicting a Smurf village getting bombed.  There's no explanation of who bombed the village or why. 

According to the article, the film has the approval of the Smurf creator's family and the international Smurf Fan Club. (Is there such a thing?) 

So this is what Unicef does with all that money they collect on Halloween.  No doubt that the UN will fire off a nasty letter to Gargamel in response to the senseless bombing of a civillian village.

Less likely to have official status or be well received by Smurf fans are the Smurf's cameo on Family Guy or the Smurf Rap. Then there's the infamously distasteful Lost Episode of the Smurfs, which you can find on

[found via Boing Boing]

Source: Sunday Night Silliness: Unicef Bombs the Smurf Village

Print | posted on lunedì 10 ottobre 2005 13:13 | Filed Under [ Community e amici ]

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