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La verità sul taglio del Ribbon da Office 2007

Visto che oggi sembra la notizia del giorno... ecco finalmente la verità sul "presunto" taglio del ribbon...

It was with a bit of surprise that I read a flurry of stories on Friday with breathless headlines like "Microsoft backs off the Ribbon in Office 2007!" and "Microsoft Cuts Office 2007 Ribbon!"


Unfortunately, in this case, there was no actual announcement of substantive changes to the Office 2007 user interface—just someone from Microsoft's office in Australia ruminating in front of journalists about a few things I wrote on this blog a month or so ago. The result: stories got published which kind of played up the scope of changes we've made to the Office 2007 user interface since Beta 2. Some of these stories, unfortunately, included inaccurate information.

What we had considered to be a relatively minor, if nice, improvement to the way Ribbon minimization works turned into rampant speculation on the 'net that we were somehow cutting the Ribbon entirely from Office 2007


Honestly, I love that people are excited by Office 2007. It makes working on it fun and fulfilling, and I know the whole team agrees. But one of the downsides of a high-profile, fast-moving project like this is that sometimes inaccurate information can make its way around, and it can be hard to correct.  This blog is one place you can always come to find out what's really going on with the Office user interface and the team behind it.

Leggete tutto alla fonte: Reality Check

Print | posted on lunedì 28 agosto 2006 20:09 |

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