Junction Point (Hard Links)

Volete creare degli shortcut trasparenti alle applicazioni (in pratica si comportano come se fossero delle directory)? Bene, visto che ne ho parlato in un commento ad un post di Lorenzo, segnalo a tutti la cosa:

"A junction point (also known as a reparse point) is a technology for a folder to be grafted into another folder on the same local computer. Junction points are transparent to programs. This might not seem like a big deal, but it can remove a lot of clutter. It also helps a lot when moving programs from one place to another, since just about every program in the Windows world expects to never be moved from the directory it was installed in. E.g. moving your "Program Files" directory contents to another drive, and linking the original "Program Files" directory to this new location. With junction points you can also surpass the 26 drive letter limitation. Junction points can only be created on volumes formatted with NTFS 5.0 or higher. NTFS 5.0 is supported in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and higher."

Il tool cher permette di gestire i junction point in modo semplice è qui: http://www.rekenwonder.com/linkmagic.htm


Print | posted on mercoledì 13 aprile 2005 20:18


# re: Junction Point (Hard Links)

Left by Davide Mauri at 13/04/2005 20:57
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# Junction icon overlay

Left by Lorenzo Barbieri @ UGIblogs! at 21/04/2005 18:08
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