There are 3 entries for the tag WinRT
Playing transitions with WinJS and Expression Blend for HTML

Here’s a simple tutorial about using Expression Blend for HTML5 and some little Javascript to create a simple transition effect. Fire up Expression Blend 5 and by double clicking the elements on Assets library add a button and a div, let’s rename it by double clicking them in LiveDOM pane. Here’s live DOM contents and it’s HTML counterpart (I’ve manually added button Go! content) ...

posted @ venerdì 3 febbraio 2012 20:30 | Feedback (1)

WinRT Pills: Make your own Async methods

In WinRT any method that takes more than 50 ms is exposed as an asyncronous operation and thanks to C# await keyword (or Javascript’s Promises) what could be a programmer’s headache becomes a straightforward task, but what if you have your own asyncronous code? Let’s say you have a basic downloader class that simulates downloading a string from the internet, in practice something like: public class MyDownloader{ public event EventHandler Completed; public string Result { get; set;...

posted @ martedì 25 ottobre 2011 10:16 | Feedback (0)

WinRT pills: Where is MessageBox?

As most developers, my first test with a new technology begins with the good old “Hello World” sample and the same happened when I started digging into Metro/WinRT SDK, and you can imagine my face when I discovered that MessageBox class is no longer there. After a few second of panic :-) I placed a search on SDK and (relief) found that its indeed alive and kicking (even in a different form) inside Windows.UI.Popups namespace with a brand new name: MessageDialog So I started writing my first WinRT MessageDialog using this code: ...

posted @ lunedì 17 ottobre 2011 01:28 | Feedback (0)