Riporto dal blog del Team CRM il post con gli aggiornamenti per il client Outlook del CRM 4.0, che risolvono i seguenti problemi:

1. Outlook hangs during initialization (progress toolbar displays “Loading…” and never finishes)

2. With E-mail Auto Promotion Enabled, Outlook may not close cleanly/properly.

3. Contacts with birthdays earlier than 1/1/1970 causes Outlook to crash

4. Items in Shared Calendars will report Sync Issues

5. Cannot Promote an E-mail where the name of the attached file contains a ‘&’ symbol.

6. Selecting Dismiss on Outlook Calendar reminder for Service Activity causes record to change Status Reason back to default value for that record.

7. OWA Sent Emails Get Stuck in Outlook Draft Folder When Outlook Is Open And CRMADDIN is Enabled

La hotfix cumulativa la trovate qui




[source CRM4 Outlook Client – Issues and Fixes]