(a.k.a. Buy one copy!)
Finally I am excited and glad to let you know that my first book: “Building Enterprise Applications with Windows® Presentation Foundation and the Model View ViewModel Pattern” is out and available through the major IT books distributors like: www.amazon.com, kindle, www.oReilly.com and more.

Please forgive me if I am missing some of my distributors but I do not have yet the full list. The book is available through the oReilly website at this address: http://oreilly.com/catalog/0790145309686/ in the following formats: PDF, EBOOK, KINDLE and PAPERBACK (hard copy); of course the hard copy costs a little bit more.
You can also order the book using www.amazon.com at this address; unfortunately, Amazon will not start to deliver the book until the 1st week of April 2011 while if you order the book from the oReilly web site, you can get it right away.
On amazon, the hard copy costs $19.99 and the Kindle version costs $14.99.
On oReilly the hard copy is $19.99, the Ebook is $14.99 and both together cost $21.99
Free Copies
I have assigned some free copies to the participants of the last UGIALT conference, I will send them a free copy of the book as soon as I will get the green light from oReilly. I am planning to distribute other free copies at the next .NET community event and I will let you know when this will be. For now, buy a copy and make me happy! 
First of all I want to thanks oReilly and Microsoft to let me write this book. I also want to thank Russell Jones, my editor and primary publishing contact for this book. He is the only person who believed in me from the beginning, and he put himself on the line to get this project approved by Microsoft Press. I will be always thankful to him for that. He did also a wonderful job in helping me to complete the job on time, and to organize the whole project. Thanks to Kristen Borg, my production editor that spent a lot of time and effort to finalize and get this project done.
Of course I have to thank my wonderful wife that for the last 6 months she helped me in getting this job done by pushing me every time I was letting go the project for one or another one reason.
Please, please, please. If you plan to buy a copy of the book ( I hope so) I would really appreciate if you can leave a comment, on Amazon or on OReilly or on both of them and let me know what you really think about it. I love to get constructive criticisms on my work as they always help me to do the next thing better. Please, don’t be shy and don’t be nice if I do not deserve it!