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Le Hotfix di VS e .NET sono state spostate su MSDN Code Gallery

Molto meglio su Code Gallery che su Connect, utile per le Beta, ma non era il posto giusto per le Fix.

...We had several benefits in mind as we planned this migration:

  1. Hotfix Discoverability – VS and .NET product updates are available in a single location
  2. Improved User Experience – The overall experience of Code Gallery is better/easier than that of Connect
  3. Ease of Access – No log-in is required to access and download Hotfixes
  4. Rich Search – All downloads can have multiple tags and tags are searchable to help you find relevant Hotfixes
  5. Customer Feedback – You can provide feedback on Hotfixes via the Code Gallery forums. This enables you to provide advice and support to each other. It also provides us with Hotfix experience feedback so we can address problems and interact directly with you.

We have just started this migration so expect to see the list of available fixes increase as we move more over the coming days and weeks.  Check it out and let us know what you think:

Fonte: Migrating hotfixes to MSDN Code Gallery

Print | posted on lunedì 14 aprile 2008 17:22 |

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