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Lista degli eventi di TFS2008

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The event that we now use to communicate highwater marks in the security subsystem is a DataChangedEvent.  That new event type carries a sequence ID that can be used to watch for and understand changes in the Group Security Service (GSS), the Authorization Service and the Common Structure Service (CSS).  We are still shipping transforms and event definitions for the older fine-grained events.  I sifted through the two sources of event definitions in the system (transforms subdirectory, registration data) and have included a summary of the current set of events that we support in TFS 2008.

Work Item Tracking

· WorkItemChangedEvent

Version Control

· CheckInEvent

Team Build

· BuildCompletionEvent2

· BuildStatusChangeEvent

· BuildCompletionEvent


· ProjectCreatedEvent

· ProjectDeletedEvent


· DataChangedEvent

o Type: STRUCTURE – sequence id for Services/v1.0/CommonStructureService.asmx?op=GetChangedNodes

o Type: SECURITY – sequence id for Services/v1.0/AuthorizationService.asmx?op=GetChangedAccessControlEntries

o Type: IDENTITY – sequence id for Services/v2.0/GroupSecurityService2.asmx?op=GetIdentityChanges or Services/v1.0/GroupSecurityService.asmx?op=GetChangedIdentities


· BranchMovedEvent – Fired, but also signaled with new DataChangedEvent of type STRUCTURE

· NodeCreatedEvent - Fired, but also signaled with new DataChangedEvent of type STRUCTURE

· NodeRenamedEvent - Fired, but also signaled with new DataChangedEvent of type STRUCTURE

· NodesDeletedEvent - Fired, but also signaled with new DataChangedEvent of type STRUCTURE

· MembershipChangedEvent - Obsolete; DataChangedEvent of type IDENTITY

· IdentityDeletedEvent - Obsolete; DataChangedEvent of type IDENTITY

· IdentityCreatedEvent – Obsolete; DataChangedEvent of type IDENTITY

· IdentityChangedEvent – Obsolete; DataChangedEvent of type IDENTITY

· CommonStructureChangedEvent - Obsoleted... DataChangedEvent of type STRUCTURE

· AclChangedEvent - Obsolete; DataChangedEvent of type SECURITY

Fonte: Definitive list of events that are supported in TFS

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Print | posted on martedì 26 febbraio 2008 12:14 |

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