Le trovate qui:
- MSF Agile v100.2 Process Guidance (6.6Mb)
- This download contains the agile process guidance that will be shipping with Visual Studio Team System. MSF for Agile Software Development is a scenario-driven, context-based, agile software development process that utilizes many of the ideas embodied in Team System. This process incorporates proven practices developed at Microsoft around requirements, design, security, performance, and testing. This new release introduces the new Team Model, Mindsets, and Principles. It also contains many clarifications of the activities.
- MSF Agile v100.2 Process Template (3.3Mb)
- This download of MSF for Agile Software Development contains a more recent version of this process template than the one that shipped with Visual Studio 2005 Team System Beta 3 Refresh. This download not only includes process guidance, but also work item type definitions, pre-defined work items & work item queries, report definitions, and project document templates.
Non li ho ancora scaricati, ma la prima versione contiene solo la Process Guidance, la seconda contiene tutto (inclusa la Process Guidance) per essere caricato in TFS. Più tardi verificherò le dimensioni, che non mi tornano molto...