Visto che gli altri luoghi li abbiamo già visitati... dobbiamo scoprire i nuovi codename...
Camano is the code name given to the standalone testing suite being worked on in the Visual Studio “Rosario” release. The code name follows the tradition of Developer Division to name their products after islands in the Pugeot Sound area north of the corporate headquarters in Redmond, Seattle, Washington.
From the bottom up, lets go through the significance of each of these places:
- Redmond - The location of Microsoft’s corporate headquarters in Seattle, Washington.
- Everett - Code name for Visual Studio .NET 2003.
- Camano - Code name for the standalone testing application in Rosario.
- Whidbey - Code name for Visual Studio 2005.
- Orcas - Code name for Visual Studio 2008.
- Rosario - Code name for Visual Studio vNext. Rosario is the name of a resort on Orcas island.
Fonte: Where is Camano Island?