Ecco la Road map ufficiale:
Major Releases
Power Tools Releases
Service Releases
In particolare aspetto con ansia i Power Tools di VSTS Db Professional:
Team Edition for Database Professionals Power Tools
“Move Schema” Refactoring
Allows a user to right click on an object and move it to a different but existing schema
SP Rename Generation
Generate a new script that will contain sp_renames for all rename refactored objects that the user can then execute.
Data / Schema Compare Build Tasks
MSBuild tasks that can generate scripts as if the user had run the Data / Schema compare UI
Script Preprocessor
Expand SQLCMD variables and include files and command line version (sqlspp.exe) & an MSBuild version ( wraps the command line version )
API Access to Schema View
Insert / Update / Delete to schema View and list schema objects and their associated files
Data / Schema Compare Build Tasks
MSBuild tasks that can generate scripts as if the user had run the Data / Schema compare UI
Dependency Tree
Show the dependencies ( incoming / outgoing ) for selected objects in a new tool window
Static Code Analysis
A precursor to the functionality that will be in future versions of VSTS that will allow you to perform Static Code Analysis on T-SQL code.
Wildcard Expansion
Automatically expand the wildcard in a select to the appropriate columns.
Fully-Qualified Name Support
Automatically inject fully-qualified names when absent in a script
Schema Reporting
DBSpecGen functionality for the project system allows you to easily document your database schema.