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Team Foundation Server 2008 - guida all'installazione e readme

So che molti sono presi dalla foga di installare tutto prima degli altri, ma, soprattutto riguardo a TFS2008, vi consiglio di leggere BENE la guida di installazione e il readme, prima di trovare qualche sorpresa, ad esempio nel readme si trova:

  • E-mail notification settings are removed when you upgrade to Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server.
  • JavaScript IntelliSense, coloring and syntax validation may not work in Visual Studio 2008 after installing Visual Studio Team Explorer.
  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 may restart the computer during Team Foundation Server setup.
  • Running TFSAdminUtil ChangeAccount disables Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Task Scheduler.
  • VSSConverter may not be able to correctly migrate files that reside in folders that have been renamed in Visual SourceSafe.
  • Setting the ProjectField in the SyncField mapping to a field that is already being used, prevents publishing work items from Microsoft Project.
  • You receive an error when opening query results or a selection of work items in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Project after you uninstall a version of Team Explorer.
  • Credentials are not persisted when a user wants to access reports and use Team Foundation Server in a single-server, workgroup deployment.
  • There are no dates on the X-axis when you examine the following reports: Bug Rates, Reactivations, Remaining Work, Unplanned Work. To resolve this issue:Change the language settings of Internet Explorer to match the languageused forTeam Foundation Server.
  • Connection attempt fails when running remote tests from Team Foundation Build

Insomma... io una lettura gliela darei...

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Print | posted on martedì 20 novembre 2007 11:34 |



# re: Team Foundation Server 2008 - guida all'installazione e readme

No, nessuna...
20/11/2007 13:04 | Lorenzo Barbieri
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