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James Newkirk, papĂ  di NUnit, CodePlex e tante altre belle cose ha creato un nuovo framework di unit testing:

...While any one of these reasons would not necessarily have been sufficient to create a new testing framework, the combination of them all made us want to undertake a new project:

E ancora:
  • Single Object Instance per Test Method
  • No [SetUp] or [TearDown]
  • No [ExpectedException]
  • Aspect-Like Functionality
  • Reducing the Number of Custom Attributes
  • Use of Generics.
  • Anonymous Delegates.
Test Runner
  • For v1, we are shipping a console-based test runner, but not a GUI-based test runner. Based on user feedback, we will determine which other runners should support in future releases.

Leggete tutto alla Fonte: Announcing

Print | posted on venerdì 21 settembre 2007 11:55 |

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