Due tip in uno: come montare un file di registry diverso da quello di default, e come farlo con un VHD...
You can edit the registry of a VM without having to power it up. A rough guide is below:
- Use VHDMOUNT.EXE to mount the VHD: vhdmount.exe /m /f Harddisk.vhd
- Mount the registry: reg load HKLM\VHD c:\mount\windows\system32\config\software
- Use Regedit and make your changes - browse to HKLM\VHD
- Close Regedit.exe
- Unmount the registry: reg unload HKLM\VHD
- Unmount the VHD: VHDMOUNT.EXE /U ALL
Fonte: Offline registry edit within a VHD