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Everything You Know Will Be Obsolete in Five Years

Un post bellissimo! Leggetelo tutto!!!

Termina così:

I am all for learning new technology, but immersing yourself in new technologies is merely running as fast as you can to stay in the same place. To get somewhere else, you must run twice as fast. That means studying the topics that won't be obsolete in five years: human factors and design. And that's exactly what my recommended reading list is about. If you haven't read the top 5 books on that list, ask yourself-- am I too busy running as fast as I can?

Fonte: Everything You Know Will Be Obsolete in Five Years

Print | posted on martedì 21 marzo 2006 13:10 | Filed Under [ Community e amici ]



# re: Everything You Know Will Be Obsolete in Five Years

E' il mio blogger preferito, consiglio di leggere i libri che indica nel suo blog.
21/03/2006 13:33 | Antonio Ganci

# re: Everything You Know Will Be Obsolete in Five Years

rafforza la mia volontà di far diventare la programmazione un hobby e puntare su skills più "gestionali".
21/03/2006 13:35 | Wolly

# re: Everything You Know Will Be Obsolete in Five Years

.... e, detto tra noi, conosco ben poche persone il cui successo personale sia dato dalle tecnologie che conoscono.

21/03/2006 14:25 | PierG
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